Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A New Day and a New Attitude

So today is a new day and I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday. I think I really needed yesterday to be sad and upset and have my little pity party. I barely did any work, but I kept up with my email if that counts.

Today I have already done several things which make me feel like I'm moving on. Yay! I sent in my receipts for my Flex Benefits Card. Those annoying people kept emailing me. Geez - yes I used my card to pay for over $500 of services the first week of January and yes the services took place in 2011. Ugh! Annoying. Anyway, I had been putting that off and now it's done.

I also called my current RE and got them to email me a copy of the release form I need to fill out so they can fax my records to my hopefully new RE. Success. I've already recieved the email and I will fill it out tonight.

I also talked to the (mean) nurse and she again irritated me. Whatevs. I'm over her by now. I asked if I was going to need an ultrasound and if so, could I get it tomorrow when I'll be in to do blood work and she said that no, they need to check my numbers first and then if my numbers have not gone down then we will go from there. I was just trying to avoid another trip to this dr. office. I really want tomorrow to be the last time I drive to this clinic. I guess I'll have to decide if I want to ask them to fax over my records before this miscarriage issue is finally resolved or not.

I called my (hopefully) new RE's office and also made my official appointment to go see them in March. I'm super excited about that. I already had an appointment, but I had to reschedule it because I accidentally scheduled it for a day I was going to be out of town. Let the countdown begin! Can't wait to get a fresh start on this process.

On top of those phone calls, I also made an appointment at another dr's office for Huzby so I got a lot of things checked off the to-do list today. I feel much more empowered and ready to face the next couple of months than I did yesterday.

Thank you God that I am one day closer! And that the sun in shining today - in my heart and outside!

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